How to Care For Oily Face

How to care for Oily Face at home without having to go kesalon beauty indeed became one of alterative to menghilangi excess oil on the face. This way of course and no need to expend the arguably quite expensive for facial treatments at the salon. Well do you currently have a problem with oily skin face?

Oily skin problems could just be the biggest Bugaboo for some people. As this can disrupt our appearance because of the facial skin that looks dry and dull, a large and porous skin face the most irritating thing is that acne grows on the skin of the face and then removing the stain of the former Black.

The presence of oily skin not only because one factor alone, but there are several factors that affect this situation. One of the biggest factors is due to genetic factors that produced excessive hormone. Other factors, among others, because wrong choose cosmetics, smoking orstaying up late into the night.

Well if you are having trouble oily skin and dull, you do not need to worry about having to pay for expensive treatment. Because on this occasion beauty and health tips blog will share easy tips to care for oily face and dull. Then get on with it, please feel free to peruse the reviews below:

1. Wearing Scrubs and Mask Natural
In use, try to spend a little time to do this treatment, try to use it at least once a week. Scrub your own used are from natural ingredients or by purchasing beauty products are made from natural herbs. But there you should look if you buy beauty products, you must ensure that the products listed on the packaging of graduation from BPOM, so the product is completely safe and superbly tested the clinic.

2. use a night cream
When the night before going to bed, try to use a night cream containing natural ingredients or can also use masks Yam bean mixed honey, then smeared on the face. It aims to help the skin regulating moisture content.

3. Consume the right foods
Food may affect the skin greasy. Therefore, try to avoid foods that contain fat and spicy. Because the second is based on these foods can make your facial skin look greasy.

4. Remove the makeup properly
The use of make up that are not cleaned can cause new problems in the skin, therefore endeavoured to remove make up using paper pengusap special face, wipe with slowly and not too strong. Or it could be with a face wash with SOAP face before going to bed.

5. Wash your Face
For those of you having trouble oily skin, nowadays many once-natural beauty products that you can use to resolve the problem of excess oil. Then try to use beauty products to suit your facial skin, a maximum of 2 times a day so that the oils in your skin can be controlled.

6. Sunscreen
Using sunscreen can be useful to protect the face from sunburn. But the use of an inappropriate amount of or maybe too much will causethe skin of your face become more oily. So try to use sunscreen to taste.

That's the beauty tips how to care for oily face. If you want to get information on how to take care of the other face, always visit the blog How naturally beautiful to get beauty tips and health more. Thank you for visiting and reading the article entitled 6 ways Easy caring for Oily Face

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