Benefits Soursop Fruits For Health

Fruit soursop (Annona muricata) is a plant that was born in Central America and South America. Indonesiajadi one of many countries that preserve fruit by the existence of many nicknames such as jackfruit, jackfruit sebrang landa, jackfruit, jackfruit buris walanda, as well assugar-Apple Java.

Soursop fruit meat that has been cooked have the color white withblack seed. For a moment the side i.e. soursop Leaf often used because to put a lot of benefits for health, you can find out the benefits of soursop leaf articles already published like some time ago.

Soursop fruit nutrition

In the fruit, leaves, and even the tree is also very useful for kelagnsungan living in other living things, especially human beings. A varietyof content can portray as a means to support the health of the body as a carbohydrate, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, as well as vitamin c.

This fruit can put fiber food substance called non-nutritional fiber reach 3, 3 gr in 100 grams of meat. Some minerals such as phosphorus (27 mg) and calcium (14 mg) is also contained in 100 gr fruit soursop.

Benefits of soursop fruit

Soursop fruit benefits for the health of human body

Numerous amounts of nutrients as mentioned this fruit membuatnyaberguna to health when you into the digestive system of the body.These nutrients will be absorbed by the intestines and then spreadall the body tissues via the blood.

Some benefits of soursop fruit that is not often in the seed yangsebagian know people put poison. The seed toxins often digunakanoleh some farmers as a natural insecticide, like the seed in the fruit Custard apples. Therefore when you'll make jussirsak, menyempil wipe the black beans on the flesh of the fruit.

For a moment the other benefits in the Health section too much, beberapaahli traditional healing register this fruit as satubahan baku creation of herbal remedies that can protect the State of the body remains stable. Here are the many benefits of soursop fruit behind the uterus acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annomuricin, annohexocin, anonol, anomurine, annonacin, caclourine, gigantetronin, gentisic acid, linoleic acid and muricapentocin.

1. boost your immune system

Compounds from the beginning to the muricapentocin acetogeninsalready described are only useful for improving the immune system of the tubuhdari disease danger, unless it can also be used as a cure of the disease.

2. power supplier for body

The content of carbohydrates in fruit soursop has benefits to supplement power. In addition there are vitamin B1 also deliver content resources to maximize the benefits of organ-organtubuh such as theheart, brain, lungs and kidneys with melakukantindakan such as ko-enzymes convert glucose so the power.

3. increase the concentration

Other features of Thiamine that is protecting the benefits of the brain and improve memory and concentration. There are these vitaminsmay help the brain is separated from the load (stress) as well as strengthen system of motor nerves in the brain.

4. assist the production of Hemoglobin

Benefits of Riboflavin in fruit soursop is huge, that helps the production of red blood cells until enough for drying of oxygen to all tissues in the body. So it is all the good organvital or not is their ability to run with the normal way.

5. protect your digestive health

Difficulty absorbing nutrients and food processing can disrupt the human digestive system problems such as diarrhea or sembelimudah come.

Therefore require vitamin B2, which will help make the protection ofthe intestinal mucous membranes of the digestive system of the untukmenjaga well and woke the country must. Similarly, the automaticway the problems associated with digestion can be terminimalisir.

6. reduce the risk of heart attack

Research results exposed one of the advantages of the soursop fruit yaitumenyingkirkan atherosclerosis in the heart. This disease is a thickening of the heart's arteries naturally to make blood so not smooth and easy heart attacks in progress. This menakjubkandisebutkansome experts as reactions of vitamin C in fruit soursop.

7. fight cancer

Some research choose vitamin C as an object of research results when many vitamins that can fight cancer by blocking their cell. Outside it was another benefit of vitamin C, reduce the effects of chemotherapy such as nausea. What to do with the soursop? When you have read from above will already know the soursop fruit in when there's a lot of vitamin c.

8. avoid cataracts

Soursop fruit regularly drink minimum 2 x a day can mengurangirisiko be recognized so vaguely and health problems such as eye cataracts and opaque.

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