Benefits Of Natto To Complete Health

Natto is a traditional food of Japan which is made from fermented soy beans. It is usually eaten during breakfast the morning of natto. Because it smells bad, it turns out that natto was not much liked by the people. Although such turns natto has a myriad of benefits, it turns out that nato has amazing benefits for health.

Benefits of Natto for the body's health is already summarized from different sources. For those of you who want to try foods Japan, could find some benefits in the following interesting article.

Benefits Of Natto
Contains Vitamin K
Natto is a rich source of vitamin K1 and K2. The first one is commonly found in green, leafy vegetables and both produced by bacteria. There aren't many foods that contain this vitamin, and natto is one of those rare people who have both. With the presentation of 100 grams, you get micrograms of Vitamin K 23.1, which is 29% of the recommended daily intake. This important vitamin helps in regulating blood clotting, liming arteries, and prevent bone loss. Vitamin K deficiency can lead to osteoporosis and increased bleeding.

Contains Probiotics
Natto is Super healthy because it is made from fermented soybeans. Processed soy that is not fermented can cause health problems such as thyroid dysfunction and hormones. However, the fermentation process helps in the Elimination of this problem. Fermented soybean also contains a significant amount of bacterial cultures that are beneficial to health. They help your digestive system and acts as a natural laxative, which makes a great remedy for constipation natto.

Strengthens Bones Dental
With 100 grams of natto, you get 217 milligrams of calcium, which is 22% of the recommended daily intake, and 115 milligrams of magnesium, which is 29% of the recommended daily intake. It is common knowledge that the calcium necessary for strong bones and teeth, but not many people know that magnesium is essential for absorbing calcium. Natto has both large amounts of this mineral, which is why the ideal foods to build bones and protect your body from bone-related diseases osteoporosis, gout and rheumatism.

Vitamin C
With 100 grams of natto, you get 13 milligrams of Vitamin c, which is 22% of the recommended daily intake. As you know, this important vitamin is one of the most potent antioxidants. Protects you against damage caused by free radicals that can cause cancer and degenerative diseases such as macular degeneration and cystic fibrosis. In addition, it is also rich in properties that boost the immune system.

Contains Iron And Protein
Natto is popular among vegans and vegetarians because it allows them to obtain essential nutrients usually obtained from meat and meat products such as iron and protein. 100 grams of natto provide 17.7 milligrams of protein, including all 8 essential amino acids, which is 35% of the recommended daily intake. You get 8.6 milligrams of iron, which was 48% of the recommended daily intake. This protein helps in building cells and muscles while the iron is required for the transport of oxygen to the lungs.

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