8 Benefits Water For Health

Water is the main component of the human body. In the body there is a liquid of 55 to 78%, depending on the size of the body. Fills the needs of water every day and never forget that routine could give many benefits to health.

You do not need to fear the future, because plain water in it has no calories, fat, carbohydrates and sugar as a source of disease that terrorized life. Some experts recommend everyone to drink at least eight to ten glasses per day so that the physical state of the remains stable.

Even the Institute of Medicine, also taking decisions requires every human liquid/cell that is three liters or 13 cups for men and 2, 2 liters glass or nine for women, may be better suited to the age and size of the body.

Plain water will help the Body apart from dehydration because every cell in the body get clean water that is good for the role.

Benefits Of White Water

1. Reduce the sense of Tired

If you often feel too tired or lethargic excess, likely harbinger of whether lack of bodily fluids. Also, even fatigue are signs that most major arrested on natural dehydration.

Time shortage of body fluids, heart work harder to pump blood containing oxygen to all body tissues via the blood stream due to the occurrence of a decrease in blood volume. Beyond that most of the other major organs should work a maximum of kuerang so effective because of dehydration in the body.

Since the time when the body feels tired most of the main things you can do that is to drink at least three glasses of water, then let the body rest a moment while waiting for a positive reaction from drinking water.

2. Improve Mood

The loss of mood does not continue to be associated with the cause of the problem down. Some researchers uncover whether State agencies that do not have fluid consumption can affect the heart of the ongoing situation as well as the power of thought.

A little research conducted on 25 women and finally the written in the Journal of Nutrition to uncover whether the dehydration can affect your liver as well as the situation of the cognitive benefits. Then there is the return of positive mood after their bodies get fluid in sufficient amounts.

3. Relieve headaches

Headache including migraine headaches because of the many aspects too, one of them is dehydration. In a study published in the Journal of Neurology Europea explains if drinking lots of water so as to help reduce headaches.

4. Launch the digestion

The role of water in the channel cerna i.e. help the digestive system so that adds to the delicious food. Lack of water can cause constipation while impeding the pace of food into the intestines indigestion, if the constant discord skipped channels, cerna will naturally devastated.

Drink lots of plain water can increase the body's metabolism while helping improve food processing system, because the bowel so regularly. Some scientists have been asking us to drink plain water warm when natural constipation because it could facilitate the digestion of food.

5. increase your appetite and lose weight

Loss of appetite can harm the body because it gets no nutrients from the consumption of food consumed. If you are having problems it before starting a meal drinking at least one glass of water.

Some researchers opened the excess water to increase appetite, especially when consumed before eating. Beyond that are consuming enough water also can help lose weight because it tends to eat so much smaller.

6. Remove body toxins

In the body there are toxins that come through food or beverages you consume (without anyone noticing).

Water is the best choice to help dispose of toxins from the body and waste substances are at risk of another through sweat and urine system with urination.

7. Avoid kidney stones

Water can dilute the salt and minerals in the urine causes the formation of kidney stones. But drinking a lot of water also affects the strength of the kidneys to filter out impurities, though not enforced many of the problems because of it.

8. Control body temperature

The amount of water that matches the same body can be mengantur the usefulness of body temperature due to thermal-shaped water able to release body heat while removing sweat.

The monitor body temperature also makes you feel more time-spirit of sport. Drinking plain water after exercise will shrink the risk of incidence of sore muscles and joints, and avoid cramps and sprains.

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