Powerful Ways To Remove Acne In 7 days

Powerful ways to remove acne in 7 days is already proven to be useduse natural ingredients that are safe and chemical free. Yes, than have to spend high cost and jeopardize the health of the skin of the faceand limbs. We should try to get rid of acne using natural remedies that are safe only. Because in addition to affordable natural ingredientseasy to find.

Acne usually arise in some members of the governing body such as the face, back, neck and shoulders. This skin disease is indeed often suffered by teens and adults present, caused by several factors. One of the factors is air pollution, lack of care on his face that make acne appears.

Get rid of acne tips here are very powerful and good for you, because you could have a clean face to your back and be confident. The following information which we will pass on.

How To Get Rid Of Acne
1. Garlic
In addition to being used for cooking, garlic could try to eliminate existing recalcitrant acne on your face. Yes, garlic alone has antiseptic and antioxidant substances that can help in the treatment of acne fast.Sulfur in garlic also accelerates the healing of acne.

2. use Lemon
You can use the lemon in the shape of a lemon juice to get rid of acne quick and powerful. Do I dip a clean cotton swab into the fresh lemon juice and apply to the pimple before going to bed. Do step it up regularly so that your acne quickly lost.

3. Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the natural remedies that are safe to remove acne. Antiseptic properties make it effective in destroying bacteria in the pimple area. In addition, baking soda has a restorative function because it stimulates the growth of new skin cells.

How To Use:

1. Campurlah equal parts of baking soda and water to form a thick paste

2. Apply the Paste on your skin for 30 minutes

3. Rinse with warm water

4. The cucumber
Cucumber works as an anti-inflammatory, which is why many people use sliced cucumber against puffy eyes. Cucumbers are also good for acne, you could make a cucumber face mask for instant effects

How To Use

Peel the cucumber and cut one half into pieces
Place the pieces in a blender
Add 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel
Add 1/2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Apply the mixture on your skin and leave it for 10-15 minutes
Rinse with warm water

5. Toothpaste
Toothpaste is the right choice if you have a recalcitrant acne. Because toothpaste contains silica, which is the same substance that can be found on a bag of beef jerky is moist in order to keep it out. Thus, the toothpaste is already known to dry out and reduce the size of the pimple at night. Do I Simply apply some to the pimples before sleeping and wash it clean in the morning.

Now you've no controversy anymore because it can get rid of acne quickly, for that you need to do the above on a regular basis in order to make your acne quickly lost. Hopefully this article can become a reference you Yes.

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