How Potent Their Hair Naturally

Long hair is the dream of most women. Besides giving the impression of elegance, have long hair also makes it easy to create a variety of hairstyles. However, caring for long hair often requires more power than with short hair. In addition to her treatment included need the extra power, women also often complain of a hard type of hair grow long. The writing below will give you some ways of letting their hair naturally.

Lengthen the hair you can do with a very easy way. In addition to utilizing the stuff in your neighborhood, some way of letting their hair naturally below does not cost prohibitive. You do not need to come to a beauty salon with lots of spending money. Enough with the diligence and effort preparing the ingredients are natural, beautiful long hair and you can have.

How To Lengthen The Hair

1. Consume healthy foods to eat
Eating healthy foods is the first way to support the growing swell of hair. This is because the hair is one part of the body also need nutrients. For those of you who are mengidamkan long hair and healthy start consuming foods that are rich in vitamins A, B, C, protein, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, and magnesium. Some foods that contain these vitamins is avocado, seeds, spinach, cauliflower, salmon, eggs, yogurt, milk, cheese, and wheat.

2. Membalur hair with natural oils
The next way to lengthen the hair is membalurkan with oil-natural oils. Some of the oil from the natural ingredients that are easily obtained is coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil seeds, and argan oil. Membalur hair with natural oils belongs to a very easy way. The way by setting up oil-oil is then rubbed it on the Palm of the hand. Then do a light massage on your head and let stand a few minutes. The last stage, bilaslah your hair with cold water and then do shampooing use shampoo as usual.

3. Use a hair mask with natural materials
How to lengthen the hair naturally also you can do with hair masks. Hair masks are usually sold in beauty shops with certain brands. However, you can take advantage of the natural materials around you. Some natural ingredients that you can use is the potato, onion, and avocado.

A way of making it so easy, kupaslah of these materials prior to use and wash clean. Next the puree the ingredients then let sit until it is making her Sari. Hair masks used is of the essence of these materials. Next the jerky your hair with mask, use a cloth CAP or headdress, wait a few minutes to allow the ingredients to infuse, then bilaslah and do shampooing as normal.

4. Membalur hair with yogurt and honey
In addition to using oils from natural materials, materials that you can use to lengthen hair is yogurt and honey. Yogurt, in addition to good for consumption, you can use for membalur hair. Yogurt is an excellent material to keep the skin, besides, processed cow's milk is able to prevent your hair branching as well as able to protect the katikula hair. While honey, contain antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties so that makes hair grow well.

5. Use air natural cider
Use water sari from natural materials is a way of letting their hair naturally. Among other ingredients, using water natural cider apple vinegar and coconut milk into a material that is highly recommended. How to apply them is also very easy, which is the same as the massage oil from the hair using natural ingredients such as described above.

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