The operation itself is very help you to memancungkan your nose and make the nose look perfect. But, other than have to spend. The surgery itself usually has certain effects if we don't match the operation we are doing and will be fatal in our nose.
How To Memancungkan The Nose Without Plastic Surgery
Then how do we have a perfect nose and high without having to take risks though? You need to use the natural way memancungkan without nose operation that you can use to memancungkan your nose easily and without cost.
1. massage your nose
The first way you need to do is massage your nose in this part slowly,using the thumb and index finger as well. Do massage on a regular basis while going to sleep and when you want to wake up so that the result is maximum.
2. Facial Gymnastics
The natural way memancungkan nose without plastic surgery is the next facial gymnastics. Facial gymnastics or similing fish frenzy is one of the yoga movement which is very easy to learn. Here's how you need to position your body relaxed, smiling with closed mouth positionstand for 10 minutes. To restore your normal facial expressions and alternating inverse like last and normal routine.
3. using Make Up
The next way is to use make up. You only need to create the shadow in terms of the right and left of your nose using shading. Shading itself has benefits for erecting a form of nasal bones that will make the nose being high.
4. use of Essential Oils
You can use essential oils for memancungkan the nose naturally. Usually this oil is used to massage the face or nose.
5. Pinch the nose
Pinch the nose is the last way that you can use when you want to memancungkan the nose naturally. Here's how you need to pinch your nose gently and slowly so that your nose becomes high. Do not pinch in hard, because it could also hurt and irritation.
Well, now you can already have a high nose with natural and easy. You also do not need to pay again because this way is very easy. May be useful and can add your insights. Thank you for visiting.
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