How The Elephant Got His Trunk Leaves Easily

How the elephant got his Trunk Leaves Easily-have you heard the leaves of elephant trunk? Elephant Trunk or leaves Clinacanthus Nees, burmami is an existing trunk leaves in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. You can find these leaves in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. The leaves of this elephant trunk touted as an alternative cancer treatment can be naturally and safely.

Scientifically leaf elephant trunk contains a lot of antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals. Routine and Quercetin is part of Flavonoids are important, routine function for treatment of gingivitis while quercetin can inhibit negative effects of carcinogens.

Not only can eliminate cancer, leaves proboscis can also treat diabetes, difficulty urinating, for dysentery and disease can increase the durability of the body. You can usually find these leaves in some places only in rural areas. Because cultivation occurring alone.

The number of elephant trunk leaf which is used for the treatment of:

1. Level 1 = 30 leaves per day
2. Level 2 = 50 leaves per day
3. Level 3 = 100 leaves per day
4. Level 4:150-200 leaves per day

How To Consume The Leaves Of Elephant Trunk
-Pour a half cup of clean water in a blender
-Add one or two ice cubes to avoid heat when grinding.
-Add 1 lemon or half tribe of orange juice (to prevent oxidation)
-Wash the leaves SSG number required (must be fresh) and put into a blender
-Green Apple Peel and remove core/seeds
-Cut the apples into 8 pieces
-Put together a SSG and apples in the blender.
-Kisar and drink immediately or within 5 minutes. (Every day)
-If your body is "cold" add a few slices of ginger.

Well, now you already know right about some of the benefits of leaf belalalai elephants? You can also find it by visiting the countryside. We should've tried natural ingredients to eliminate diseases we securely. Thank you for visiting.

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