Generally, people who have very oily skin can potentially have facial pores widen and open. The other part of that potential is the skin pores on the nose. This is because in this part of the nose there are oil glands more than other areas of the face. Therefore, if you want a facial skin healthy and smooth, keep the facial skin to avoid melebarnya the pores is the solution.
Before we step on on text about how to shrink facial pores, before there is a need to know what actually causes the pores of the face being widened. Among the most common reason is because the acne, cosmetics, genetic factors, stress overload and because of the aging of the skin. Well, here are some natural ways that you can use to shrink facial pores. So just please check out his review below.
1. Ice Cubes
Most people would already know that if you want to shrink the pores of the skin of the face can use ice cubes. Ice cube is a handy instant remedy to stimulate blood circulation and make skin to be more healthy. By washing the face using ice cubes, are able to tighten the pores of the skin caused from the effects of the cold of the ice cubes that can serve as a natural toner. You can also combine the use of ice cubes with this water ice mixed with tomato and lemon. The use of this drug can be use by anyone, except for the people who have the disease of meningitis and sinusitis.
2. sugar and olive oil
A blend of sugar and olive oil will produce a very good herbal remedy for facial health. How to make it simply by mixing two tablespoons of sugar with a tablespoon of olive oil then mix until evenly distributed. You also can still mix a few drops of lemon juice to enhance its benefits. If all the ingredients are already mixed, and then use it as a facial mask. Oles slowly while rubbed gently for 30 seconds. Let sit for up to 15 minutes and then rinse using clean water and facial foam. Concluding this way at least once a week to get faster results.
3. Egg whites
Egg whites does have many benefits especially for the beauty of the skin. You can also harness the benefits of egg whites is to shrink skin pores por. This is because in the white of the egg contained a compound of amino acids and enzymes are very good if it is used for skin care. How to use egg whites is also very easy, once separated by yellow eggs, apply the egg white face with overlooks of yesteryear using wipes (try using free-range chicken egg white). Let sit until it dries like a mask, then rinse using warm water. Use egg whites as a mask, besides being able to shrink the pores of the skin of the face also functions to diwajah for example dirt raised the blackheads.
4. Honey
Pure honey contains antibacterial properties useful to heal and fight against various types of bacteria. Because in the honey contains potassium which is high enough, then the honey can also kill the bacteria that causes clogged skin pores. How to use it enough to make it as a facial mask. You can also add yogurt to add improved. In her own yogurt contains lactic acid that is able to clean the pores of the skin and remove dead skin cells.
5. Lemon
The fruit that comes from the citrus family also has many benefits for beauty. One of the benefits is that we can use to shrink the pores of the skin of the face. How to use lemon is also very easy, that is, simplysqueeze the lemon water is then used as a face mask. Lemon is a natural astringent that can help tighten back the skin pores and whiten face skin.
6. Tomato
Tomato is a common natural ingredients which are often utilized for facial care naturally. How to use the tomatoes to shrink facial pores is with mashing the tomatoes until smooth and then use it as a facial mask. Let sit for up to 30 minutes, after it was clear the face using facialcold water and foam to eliminate remnants of the collision of the tomatoes. Doing it this way at least a week 2 time to get faster results.
7. Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties and is antimicrobial which can be used to tighten the skin pores while keeping the level of acidity and PH of the skin. How to use Apple vinegar is also very easy, i.e. simply using it as a mask. Oleshkan apple vinegar to whole faceusing a cotton ball. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse off using cool water.
8. Almond
Almonds have a restorative properties can be used to shrink skin pores are open. In addition, almonds can also make the skin become smoother and softer. How to make it is simply take 5 – 6 seeds almondsfinely mashed, then to be like flour. Once smooth, add a few drops of lemon juice to the shape of the pasta. Use this dough to be a mask and let sit for up to 30 minutes, then rinse off using cool water.
9. Cucumber Juice
Other natural ingredients that can be used to shrink the pores of the skin of the face is using cucumber juice. How to use a cucumber is very simple, namely only with smooth cucumber with grated or in the way in a blender. Use the grated cucumber mask became and let stand until the mask into dry up. Rinse off using cool water and facial foam.
10. Baking Soda
Baking soda is also included in the material that is often used for the treatment of particular beauty. This is because, baking soda can aid in exfoliation as well as being able to remove oil and dirt in the skin e.g. blackheads. How to apply it, you just need to mix a few spoonfuls of baking soda with water to taste, mix both ingredients into a paste.Apply on face while dipijat-pijat with circular geraka. Let stand 10 minutes, then rinse off using cool water.
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