Mesothelioma Treatment Strategy Clinical Think-Talk-Treatment for Improved Survival

Mesothelioma Treatment Strategy Clinical Think-Talk-Treatment for Improved Survival Use of Targeted Therapy in Combination with Sodium Phenylbutyrate in Advanced Malignant mesothelioma: A Strategy for Improved Survival

Advanced malignant mesothelioma  is among the most aggressive and difficult-to-treat diseases.Industrialization and exposure to asbestos is the main causative factor for the dramatic increase in the incidence of MM, which carries a poor prognosis and a median survival of less than 12 months. Combination chemotherapy offers only palliative results; however, targeted therapy carries more promise for future successful treatment.

This paper presents preliminary findings of improved overall survival (OS) using a combination of sodium phenylbutyrate (PB) with various chemotherapeutic and targeted agents in advanced MM. The data suggest using a strategy of simultaneous interruption of signal transduction involving RAS-MEK-ERK, PI3K-AKT, mTOR, Merlin, and angiogenesis pathways and interference in cell cycle and epigenetic processes. Complete responsewas determined in 15.4% and stable disease in 46.2% in the group of 13 evaluable patients.

Median OS for MM was higher compared to other treatments (17 months compared to between 6 and 12.1 months). The longest surviving patient continues to be in complete response and in excellent condition for over 12.5 years from the treatment start. These findings are only preliminary and validation of the results using a well-designed phase I/II trial in advanced MM is proposed.

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